Money does not make a man happy...

Monday, February 1, 2010
At certain days in my life, I feel lost and lonely
And certain days in life, I feel full and surprisingly happy.... it has been 1 month and 14 days since the last time i went home, and as the pressure for pro gets even more nearer, i get so homesick most days than ive ever felt before...

I would sit here and think bout the things that ive been through in life, and the things that ive done that i havent been proud of
but no matter how bad, or how disappointing ive treated myself, my dear folks... they have always been there by my side to pull me out of that depressional state i had to go through and accepted me as i am.... good or bad

people picture me as a girl who lives a luxurious lifestyle, but they paint a very wrong portrait of me but i dont blame them....

I wouldnt say Im poor, and ive always thanked God for giving me the adequacy of money and stuff that most people coudnt afford, but nevertheless, its not me.... Money and Power, its not what intrigues me in this life....maybe to some but not to me...

I dont come from that kind of family.... I dont live in a bungalow, I dont have chauffeurs to drive me where i want to go, I dont have credit cards, and i definitely do not own any empire under my name....

But the thing is, Ive seen people who lives with overflowing money in their hands, but they never looked happy, they never looked content, and they always have that unspoken sadness whenever they talk bout life....

WHY? why would u be sad, when u can have anything u want just by the swipe of that golden card....

U see, both my parents are from different worlds....

My dad was a boy from the "kampung" and my mum was the girl from the city....

My dad was the 2nd child and my mum was the youngest out of 9 siblings

My mum was well to do compared to my dad when he was younger... but even with that vast difference of lifestyle, God made them as life partners... and thats where I come in....

In life, my parents tried their level best to give me what I wanted and till today they have never said NO or objected, and I know how sad it is for them to one day let me go....

But the one thing that no money can buy that they have given me, is a chance to make my own mistakes, a chance to learn from it, and to always have faith in God

My dad told me that I could do or be anything that I wanted to if i put my heart to it and if i prayed hard enough for it....

and my dad is a strong example of how sheer determination can help a man succeed in life....

My dad had to work when he was still a little boy to help with the household income,
He had to read and study while using the oil lamp because my grandmothers house had no electricity,
My dad had to cycle more than 3km to school because there were no school buses,
but he made it through all that and now he is a leading professor and I look up to him very much, even if he has his own flaws.... I am my father's daughter.....
And I see alot of me in him....

My dad has told me that I need to have a good education so that I can become someone who can help the community.....and help be the change in this world

Both my parents are very much in-tune with humanitarian work and they have always told me that to give is better than to receive.... and that is one more thing money can never buy....

I guess thats the main reason why I took medicine...
To give a helping hand to someone who is willing to reach out....

Thats always been my aim.....

So there are many things in life, that I woundnt trade for money,

A good education, A chance to experience life, A chance to be someone with good attributes, A chance to love, A chance to be with my family, A chance to be with my closes friends, A chance to kneel down n prostrate myself to God, A chance to be a good person,

n A chance to be the voice of those who are in need....

having that chance and that experience pays more than any bank account or any cheaque

So when I dont have enough money to buy what I want, Ill thing of the things i have and those who are more unfortunate than me..... And we should all practice this and quietly say "Alhamdulillah" and u will suddenly feel a gush of understanding and a sense of calm and an understanding that in life, we might not always get what we want, but we always will get what we need, because the ones that we want might not always be what we need....

and that dont ever make MONEY the reason u live in life... as it will all fade away....

God knows better for His servants....