A drop of rain can go a long way....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Rain... Many rainy days leads to, well..... Flooding....

Flooding.... accumulated overflowing river drains the roads and surfaces of the houses here in the east coast....

Call me "Jakun"- (its a malay verb for stupidly amazed at something people find normal), but seeing people walking in and out of the "who knows what has been there" water freaks me out a little bit, but in a good way.... I find it fascinating that even when their houses are filled with the over flowing river, they are calm and interestingly able to find a positive outlook through it all.... by swimming around their man made swimming pool and using old tires as floats...

I guess what Im trying to stress out is actually being positive and optimistic in everday life even when you hit rock bottom....

so, a valuable lesson learnt today..... who said being caught in the rain is bad... infact its a gift from God to help us wash away our anguish on this earth.....